RPG World Online: Shadow Server - Players Online: 3
Random Quote: "Calren: "I'm writing the review, I'm at the part where I rip admins apart" UT: "rpgwo staff are horrible nasty and unfriendly" Calren: "basically, I've done over 500 words just on why I hate Jay" - Calren


Leader Board for Kills

#1 Warlord Gotenks - 69192

#2 Master of T3h House - 47751

#3 Jailguard Ljer - 33463

#4 Hell's Archer - 32454

#5 Dark Hazard - 31901

#6 Raghnall - 21935

#7 Mr. Vex - 21924

#8 Hercules - 21294

#9 Roarion12 - 17109

#10 Oggie - 14787

#11 Omnidox - 14630

#12 Santa - 14350

#13 Tristan - 13423

#14 WaZza - 12959

#15 Bonz - 12183

#16 Ice - 11598

#17 Mr. Dawn - 9729

#18 Flip - 9459

#19 You - 9134

#20 BlueGuyGreenFire - 8272

Next 100
Generated at: 3/1/2009 7:38:25 PM

Copyright 2025 RPGWO
