RPG World Online: Phobos Server - Players Online: 16
Random Quote: "Jay: "Mickey, you bastard! You took away admin booting!" UT: "Why must you ruin are admin abusing fun!" Jay: "Were going to cut our wrists with plastic school spoon's now, you just watch!"" - Admin Jay


Leader Board for Deaths

#121 lord nelson - 22

#122 Kitten - 22

#123 Seifer Incarnate - 22

#124 Aidean MacAnne - 21

#125 BabyGirl - 21

#126 HomeAloneCOOL - 21

#127 Del Roh - 20

#128 Xlayer - 20

#129 Hansolo - 20

#130 Nagasake - 20

#131 Silk - 20

#132 Axel - 20

#133 Leviticus - 20

#134 Kendrick - 20

#135 MimicMime - 19

#136 sscral - 19

#137 Deraku - 19

#138 Sormo - 19

#139 Best - 19

#140 Lord Draco - 18

#141 Thumpy - 18

#142 Thufir - 18

#143 Pure Smithy - 17

#144 Gebus - 17

#145 mortal kombat master - 17

#146 Riot - 17

#147 Warlord Gotenks - 17

#148 Forgotten Soldier - 17

#149 hiall - 16

#150 Tenchi - 16

#151 Comerz - 16

#152 Berserkere - 16

#153 Even - 16

#154 GoD 0f SiNz - 15

#155 made mage - 15

#156 SirSmithAlot - 15

#157 Xapps - 15

#158 Warrior Mage Damen - 15

#159 Andrew Meyer - 15

#160 Magistrate Tom - 15

#161 The unforgiven - 15

#162 Fireball - 15

#163 Alorty - 14

#164 Sakana - 14

#165 Vincent - 14

#166 AerosUnlimited - 14

#167 Knome - 14

#168 Envy - 14

#169 Kyosuke Teh Warrior - 14

#170 Zeig - 13

#171 Epyon - 13

#172 Specter09 - 13

#173 Nerv II - 13

#174 Vetch - 13

#175 Miroku - 13

#176 Langrian - 13

#177 going going gone - 13

#178 HannibalSmurfeh - 13

#179 joshua - 13

#180 jim k - 13

#181 The Death Knight - 12

#182 Sir Lyle - 12

#183 Turin Tarumbar - 12

#184 Daegan - 12

#185 WolfBlood - 12

#186 Aids - 12

#187 Vex - 12

#188 Erk The Chronomancer - 11

#189 EMGZ81 - 11

#190 Kralon - 11

#191 Lugwig - 11

#192 Uncorrupt Adventurer - 10

#193 Otis - 10

#194 Kikke - 10

#195 Trader PH - 10

#196 Frankey Falseto - 10

#197 Elijah - 10

#198 Sir Killalot - 10

#199 Calvin - 10

#200 Numjil - 10

#201 Chaotic Faith - 10

#202 Yakoshi - 10

#203 Secret - 10

#204 Klien - 10

#205 Gecko - 10

#206 chad - 9

#207 Homer Simpson - 9

#208 Player - 9

#209 Greg - 9

#210 Zeek - 9

#211 Blacksmith Bob - 9

#212 Raziel - 9

#213 Dark Soul - 9

#214 Gongshow - 9

#215 SkullRocker - 9

#216 0rbit - 9

#217 Sylvia - 9

#218 The Dude - 9

#219 1milliondolars - 9

#220 TheCrowing182 - 9

#221 Fatboy - 8

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Generated at: 1/18/2006 11:21:56 AM

Copyright 2005 RPGWO
